
Basic Concepts

Number input Broque uses your selected language or system settings for number input. Your language may use something else than . for decimal separator. An option will be provided in a future update to always use ‘.’ decimal separator. Categories Categories are used for general grouping of transactions. Anything that goes together. e.g. Groceries cover most of your grocery shopping, while Clothes & Shoes cover the clothing/shoes aspect. You can add more categories and remove existing ones.

Broque Extra

Extra and advanced information for Broque

Broque Features

Existing and planned features for Broque

Broque File Format

All Broque backups are plain zip archives containing a bunch of json files. Disclaimers Not every file and property is documented. Some contain settings which are only relevant for the app. The format is subject to change in future versions, but we always strive to maintain backwards compatibility. WARNING: First make a backup of the original backup file. We can’t guarantee the app working if you change these files and then restore the modified backup.

Broque Personal Finance

Broque helps you manage your personal finances, and tells you exactly where your money goes. Allows to track your individual expenses and income, and multiple wallets/ accounts and currencies. Provides statistics and charts based on your input to give you a more accurate representation of your finances. Track goals, budgets, debts and more with every update. No account needed, and no premium features behind a subscription. The app is free and ad supported.

Common actions

This sections describes common actions you would do with Broque, aside from entering expenses and income. Currency conversion If you exchange your money from one currency to another, you can do a currency conversion using the ... Other button in category picker and choosing Currency conversion. When entering the currency conversion transaction, your first amount will be in the currency you’re converting from, and the final amount will be in the currency you’re converting to.


Broque can help you track your debts (you owe) and loans (you're owed). In general, the app calls debts those finances you owe, while loans are the finances you loaned to someone. While you can have a personal loan as a debt, the app makes a distinction with a you owe and you're owed texts where applicable to make clear what is what. Transactions When entering a new transaction, use the debt button from the more options row on the bottom of the transaction editor.

Fiesta Labs Support Information

Support For questions or feedback, you can send us a support email. Having an issue with the app or a bug? Send us a support email. Want to report an incorrect translation? Send us a support email. Privacy policy In a nutshell, we do not collect data your personally identifiable information or financial information. However, the app does rely on some services which may collect some types of information, primarily Google Analytics, Admob and Firebase.

Frequently Asked Questions

Broque Frequently Asked Questions


Broque can help you track your goals. Whether they’re financial or otherwise. Start Start off with defining a new goal in the Goals page available from the main drawer menu. Give the goal a name, and you can also define its icon and color by tapping the icon next to the name input. Start date is set to the day you’re defining the goal, but you can move it into the past if you want an earlier start date for this goals.


Topics Basic Concepts Transactions Common actions Goals Debts Note This is not an exhaustive cover of all functionality, and will be updated with time. This help is also available within the app.


This is not an expansive description of all settings and options. Force decimal input This will force number format for input where . is the decimal separator, and , is the thousand separator, regardless of the device or language settings.


This is not an expansive description of all settings and options. Currencies You can add your own currencies, and edit built-in ones. You can change your primary currency. All existing transactions will remain in the currency you used before. This only affects future transactions and default view used in the app. Please do make a backup before doing this.


Transactions will constitute most of your activity with Broque. They help you to track your expenses, income, liabilities and more. Start To add a transaction use the primary + button on the bottom navigation bar. This button is context sensitive, so it’ll assume you want to add transactions only when you’re on the overview, transaction or settings pages. This will open the transaction editor and allow you to form a new transaction.