This sections describes common actions you would do with Broque, aside from entering expenses and income.

Currency conversion

If you exchange your money from one currency to another, you can do a currency conversion using the ... Other button in category picker and choosing Currency conversion.

When entering the currency conversion transaction, your first amount will be in the currency you’re converting from, and the final amount will be in the currency you’re converting to.

This will count as an expense in the from currency, and as income in the to currency.

Transfers between account

If you have multiple accounts, you can transfer money between them using using the ... Other button in category picker and choosing Transfer.

Choose from and to accounts on the top of the transaction editor.

The amount field indicates how much you’re transferring from the account to the target to account.

Balance correction

Sometimes the balance does not match the one in the app to the actual balance in your bank/wallets because you forgot to enter or update something.

That’s ok. You can’t track everything perfectly and it’ll happen occasionally. Intent is to be as close as possible.

To make sure the balance matches, you can always correct the balance on an account by using the ... Other button in category picker and choosing Balance correction. Just enter the missing balance amount as a positive (to increase your balance) or negative value (to deduct from your balance), and Broque will add that as a special expense or income transaction. While the transaction is shown as expense or income, it is specially flagged so it appears as a Balance correction transactions.

They will be also be tagged with a special balance tag so this does not show up in statistics where it may not make sense.

You can change the naming of the special tag in Options -> Tag options under the Settings menu.

It is always prudent to check your balance and transactions once in a while. Even if you do not track everything perfectly, it’s still useful to have most transactions tracked, especially major ones.