- Savings budget remaining daily average now includes upcoming expenses
- Transactions can now be set to complete a goal
- Loyalty cards app shortcut (quick action)
- App shortcuts are now configurable via options page. You can change order and disable those you do not use.
- Sort options in tags settings list now toggle between ascending and descending
- Balance line chart now also has an option to show daily expense line chart for current month/week
- Improved accounts overview, now also shows summed balance of all currencies (summed via exchange rates, if available)
- Appearance of liability amounts in day headers is improved
- Primary view now shows transfers in the small I/E chart
- Primary view I/E chart can have its view mode toggled by tapping to show only income/expense
- Remaining days are now shown in the primary view under monthly balance (can be hidden in overview settings)
- Most expensive stats are now hidden and expandable
- Per goal contributions can now be shown when goal contributions are expanded by tapping them
- A monthly expense period can be set for transactions
- This will be used to mark if expenses such as bills are paid for each month
- You can now define your own expense groups in the expense groups list
- Although these are of limited utility for now, they’re planned to be useful in the future
- Listed upcoming transactions can now show a menu with an
add now
option on long press - Daily average/expense line charts have their Y axis minimum value set to 0 to better represent changes (can be toggled in overview settings)
- Daily average/expense line charts now show average and median value lines (can be disabled in overview settings)
- Overview navigation ribbon now indicates when the week view is active
- Negative value would be left over when switching transaction types in editor, even when not allowed
- Contact scrolling by name letters now always works by scrolling to the nearest available letter, as expected
- Income/Expense chart always showed the current month even when another was selected
- Time revert button in transaction editor will show up again
- I/E chart for yearly views in global overview had improper empty values added between each month
- Tag list in tag bar chart now sorts properly by income/expense when selected, whereas before it would always be by balance
- Deleting a debt did not exit the debt editor properly, but now does
- Creating a new category from the picker in transaction editor did not work as expected, but now does
- We will check completed goals for same name when creating a new goal
- Pasting values with a weird negative character would not work
- Daily expense line chart now properly works for days where there are no transactions
- Transaction sample editor now shows a calculator option for the amount input
- Upgraded to Flutter 3.22.2 for improved performance and behavior
- Fixed expenses are renamed to expense groups as these will also include taxes and such in the future
- iOS The minimum iOS version required is now iOS 13.0, due to updated dependencies.
- All of you were already on newer versions of iOS
- We’ve removed some unrequired permissions
- Some visual cleanups